Cevennes Connection

Publié le par c1guyscorporation.over-blog.com

From 11 untill 14 november was creeking time for the c1 guys and their friends.

They went to the Cevennes for paddling: Upper Tarn , Upper Lot and Gourdouze River.

They enjoyed a great water level and falled off incredible Cevennes' colors,

good ridings and feelings with buddies ( Cevennes' parties are very crazy and funny).


jo chute gourdouze

Jo Gourdouze Dropnico slide gourdouze 2

Nico at the entry off "gourdouze slide"

pierro passage haut lotPierrot  Upper Lot

pierre barrage hot lot

Pierre Upper Lot

dam premier seuil haut tarn Dam first rapid off Upper Tarn

yo glissiere haut tarn

Yoan Upper Tarn pierre devaloire haut tarn

Pierre "planche à laver " rapid Upper Tarn

paysage debarquement haut tarn

incredible lanscape on the arrival off the Upper Tarn

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Cool blog site friend I'm about to suggest this to all my listing contacts.